Previous incidents
CA-MTL-1 data center is currently inaccessible
Resolved Oct 29 at 04:51am PDT
Our CA-MTL-1 data center recently underwent maintenance, which was completed with minimal impact. However, during post-maintenance monitoring, the data center became inaccessible due to an unexpected issue. Our team is actively working to resolve the problem.
The network issue has been resolved for the CA-MTL-1 data center
Elevated errors for dashboard and API
Resolved Oct 10 at 12:46pm PDT
The root cause has been resolved, and services have returned to normal operating levels.
1 previous update
EUR-IS-1 Network Issue
Resolved Oct 08 at 12:59pm PDT
The network issue at the data center has been resolved. Thank you for your patience.
1 previous update
Elevated network packetloss in US-OR-1 DC
Resolved Sep 30 at 05:20pm PDT
The root cause of the issue has been addressed and congestion has returned to baseline levels.
1 previous update
Network availability issues in EUR-IS-1
Resolved Sep 05 at 11:04am PDT
Network availability has been restored by the upstream provider. We will be performing a RCA and provide further details.
1 previous update
Elevated network packetloss in US-OR-1 DC
Resolved Sep 03 at 06:59pm PDT
We have received confirmation from the upstream network provider and we have validated that this issue is resolved.
The root cause was a network protection ruleset which engaged in a false-positive manner to drop a selection of packets. This resulted in failure to establish connections and impact to bandwidth over TCP/QUIC connections.
We will provide an RCA once we receive the report from the upstream provider.
6 previous updates